
About the need of better accommodate the maximum water flows in project solutions of main drainage systems

Timukhin S. A., Ivashenko E. P.,  Marchenko A. Yu., Marchenko M. Yu., Saltanov S. N., Barinov I. M., Vikulov E. A.

The paper tells about problems connected with more full consideration of the maximum flow of water into the mine excavations inproject solutions of complexes of the main drainage of flooded deep horizons of mines. Given is the data about the actual (normal and maximum) water flows in the deep horizons of mines of "Sevuralboksitruda" (Severouralsk, Sverdlovsk region, Russia). Described are the features of making project solutions that take into account the maximum inflows and increase in the end, the effectiveness of complexes of mine water outflow.

Keywords: main dewatering constructions; maximum inflows; more responsive; off-peak electricity consumption; efficiency.

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