
DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2016-3-95-104

Guidelines for the economic evaluation of protected areas, implementing environmental protection functions pdf

A. A. Litvinova, M. N. Ignat’eva, L. M. Morozova, M. S. Kubarev

The article is devoted to the economic evaluation of environmental protection functions of specially protected areas (PAs), a part of the total value of the flow of services provided by them. The aim of this study is to improve the methodological tools of economic valuation of protected areas, implementing environmental functions, based on the analysis of methodological approaches to the economic valuation PAs lands, considering the basic features and services of protected areas, identifying of specifics of the flow of ecosystem services within the functional areas of protected areas. Authors analyzed the methodological approach, reflected in the technical and tconomic justification of methodology of state cadastral valuation of land reserves and the Timely method of state cadastral valuation of lands of specially protected territories and objects; disclosed positive and negative aspects of each. The authors proved the feasibility of using mixed methodological approach for the economic evaluation of environmental protection functions of PAs that combines direct assessment method (alternative cost) and indirect one (the establishment of correction coefficients reflecting qualitative characteristics of PAs). One can find the author’s methodological recommendations in this article, which present proposals for defining of specific annual standard for average values of PAs land and the establishment of additional coefficients: the uniqueness coefficient of biodiversity at the regional level, coefficient of conservation value of functional PAs land and environmental significance coefficient of PAs. The authors tested guidelines for conditions of the mountainous part of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District – Yugra within the boundaries of the district Berezovsky.

Keywords: economic evaluation; protected areas; environmental functions and services; correction coefficients.



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