Issue 1(45), 2017

ISSN 2307-2091 (Print) 

ISSN 2500-2414 (Online)

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-1-37-43

Safety and organization issues of rational use of lands of industrial cities in areas of underground mine workings influence pdf

M. E. Kolchina, V. E. Konovalov, N. V. Kolchina

The subject of research of this article are the issues of ensuring the safety of life of population and organization of the rational land management in cities, on whose territory are/were carried out the works on extraction of minerals, in the areas of influence of underground mine working – in dangerous anthropogenic areas. The purpose of research is to show that the resolution of these problems is possible only through a complex planning, based on the analysis and assessment of land condition (earth's surface) in the undermining areas and forecasts for their change. The article analyzes the methods and principles of land-use planning in the industrial cities of Russia and abroad, the problems of modern land use and development in Ural cities with undermined territories, and identifies the causes of these problems. Based on the diverse researches in the area of the negative impact of mining on land condition, cadaster(registration of real estate and areas with special conditions of use of the territories), land management, urban planning and economy of land use, authors prepared proposals to resolve the question of ensuring the safety of population life in dangerous technogenic areas and organization of the rational land use within the boundaries of these areas. In particular, ensuring the safety of human lives in such cities is possible through land-use planning in the areas of influence of underground mining, taking into account their level of danger, as well as the regulation of land use and development in these areas. For this, authors propose in the first place to locate the boundaries of technogenic areas of different danger level for the land use and development, and then develop a list of restrictions on land use and development, set restrictions on the rights of land plots located in these areas. Given that currently there are significant problems in Ural cities of Berezovsky, Berezniki, Krasnoturinsk and Solikamsk, special focus of this article is on the question of ensuring the safety of life of population on the built up areas – authors offer the complex of organizational and legal measures and activities. During the planning of usage of urban lands with undermined territories, one must take into account such a factor that the real estate (land plots and objects of capital construction) nowadays is the main source of local budget formation. In this regard, the article contains prepared proposals for the most efficient use of lands (land plots) on the undermined territories, and calculations confirm its viability.
Authors conclude that ensuring the safety of life of the population and rational land management in the areas of influence of underground mining can be achieved through integrated planning (urban and economic planning) of land use.

Keywords: mining city; underground mine workings; deformation of earth surface; built-up areas; safety of life of the population; planning and regulation of land use; technogenic areas; danger index; rational land use.



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