Issue 3(47), 2017

ISSN 2307-2091(Print)     ISSN 2500-2414(Online)


DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-3-24-33

Mineralogy of carbonatites of the Ufaleysky metamorphic complex pdf

V. N. Ogorodnikov, S. G. Sustavov, D. A. Khanin, E. S. Shagalov, Yu. A. Polenov

The first findings of carbonatites in the Ufaleysky complex happened in the late 1980s. Separate bodies of carbonatites are confined to linear fissured zones. According to the structural-textural and mineralogical characteristics, the studied carbonatites belong to one of three types: carbonatite-I – calcite, carbonatite-II – calcite-dolomite, and carbonatite-III (nelsonite). Carbonatites of the last type occupy a transversal position relative to the other carbonatites and are represented by dolomite-ankerite carbonates with amphibole, apatite, and microcline. In contrast to the Il'meno-Vishnevogorsky complex, where rare-earth mineralization has cerium specialization, the Ufaleysky carbonatites are associated with subalkaline granitoids and have a distinct yttrium specialization. The authors study in detail the carbonatites and nelsonites in quartz vein deposits of the Ufaleysky metamorphic complex of the Precambrian age, associated with the formation of quartz veins of extremely pure quartz of the Ufaleysky and Yeghustinsky types. The authors established their genetic interrelation with albitites. The article contains the stages of development of carbonatites and nelsonites and their mineralogical composition. For the study of the morphology of crystals and the chemical composition of phlogopite, amphibole, diopside, epidote, magnetite, xenotime, composing carbonatites and nelsonites, the authors used an electron probe microanalyzer, electron microscope, and X-ray diffraction analysis. The carbonatites and nelsonites have a high concentration of rare earths, yttrium, uranium-thorium, tantalum-niobates, strontium, which is of practical interest as a complex mineralization.

Keywords: Ufaleysky metamorphic complex; carbonatites; nelsonites; rare earths; tantalo-niobates; xenotime.


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