Issue 1(49), 2018

Project management for the state-governed geological exploration of mineral resources

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Aleksey Mikhailovich Lygin, Viktor Yur'evich Tatarinov, Zinaida Mikhaylovna Nazarova, Vitaliy Timofeevich Borisovich

A. M. Lygin, V. Yu. Tatarinov, Z. M. Nazarova, V. T. Borisovich / News of the Ural State Mining University 1 (2018) 106–116 DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-106-116

УДК 338.2; 332.146; 330.313

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2018-1-106-116

The relevance of the research. Creating high-efficient and innovation-oriented system of studying the subsoil and the mineral resource base is one of the priority areas of developing the geological sphere.

The purpose of the present study is to substantiate the rationale for the adoption of the project management methods for the exploration work.

Research methods: method of system analysis, method of comparison and analogies, and method of scientific generalization.

The results and their application. This article deals with the content of the main standard legislative documents which determine the strategy and lines of the country’s geological sector development in the nearest future. The article discloses the purposes and their strategic objectives and the content of the state program of the Russian Federation called “Reproduction and use of natural resources”. The resource support of the program and its subroutines is also revealed. The structure of geological industry management in modern conditions is presented. The main activities for restructuring of the geological industry are set out. They include the following points. The transformation of the Federal state unitary enterprises of information and expert profile, the advancement of scientific organizations engaged in scientific and analytical support of performed public functions. These functions are concerned with the geological study of subsoil and reproduction of the mineral resource base, as well as improving its management. The consolidation of specialized geological organizations on the types of exploration and mining, and also the main results of reorganization of the enterprises is taken into account. All of the aforementioned is subordinated to and is conducted by the Federal Agency for subsoil management. The shortcomings of the current system of management of works on the state geological study of the subsoil were revealed at the expense of the Federal budget. The necessity of introducing the project management methods to improve the efficiency of the state management of exploration was proven. The essence of the project-oriented system of the exploration works state management is considered. The model of the geological industry management system with the allocation of sectoral projects was adduced. The organizational structure and the structure of the activities of project participants, including planned and unscheduled activities was also gi-ven. We defined the nature of the management processes divided into five groups, the content of the control units of the sectoral project and the geological exploration management matrix. This was determined in the framework of the sectoral project. The proposed project-oriented control system of hydraulic fracturing, which varies depending on the environment, will allow the most effective implementation of the functions of state regulation in the mineral sector.

Keywords: mineral and raw material complex; the mineral resources; exploration; regional study of mineral resources; state program; project-oriented management system; industrial project.



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