Current issue

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-1-32-36

Well electrical prospecting of disjunctive dislocations in the ore fields pdf

V. M. Sapozhnikov, K. M. Ermolaev

During exploration and prospecting works within the ore fields, the important objective is to identify disjunctive dislocation of the deep foundation, which are spatially associated with ore cluster. Effective is the areal study of the field of current source immersed in the well, serving as large installation with high research depth that allows capturing the largest elements of the ore fields’ structures, including the major dislocations. Authors consider most informative the maps and graphs of the anomalous
potential and its gradient, calculated by excluding the normal field one way or another. With the help of a mathematical model in the form of half-plane conductor, authors show how by areal or specialized negative anomalies of potential one can identify single dislocation or a group of similar objects. On example of the field results authors demonstrate the anomalous field of immersed power source, corresponding to two sub parallel zones of tectonic disturbances, which are spatially associated
with ore deposits. It is significant that the anomalous effects from, verified by drilling, extensive disjunctive dislocations manifest more noticeably than from the local ore bodies. This once again confirms the conclusion about the need to study and take into account during interpreting of the anomalies not only of objects of "ore deposit" type, but also of no less important structural elements of the ore fields, including the disjunctive dislocations that often control the formation of deposits of various types.

Keywords: disjunctive dislocation; ore deposit; half-plane–conductor; immersed current source; abnormal potential.



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