Current issue

DOI 10.21440/2307-2091-2017-1-70-73

Accounting for time factor in determining the efficiency of application of cyclic-and-соntinuous technology complexes pdf

A. V. Semenkin

Earlier studies on the efficiency of the use of different equipment of cyclic-and-соntinuous technology (CCT) (conveyor, crushing, rattling, etc.) for any quarries do not have a general idea of the preferred conditions of use of CCT systems in various mining and technical conditions. In this regard, the aim of this paper is to establish the dependences of change in the CCT systems cost from major mining and technical conditions (annual capacity, lifting height and form of the rock mass), taking into account the time factor. Their analysis will allow substantiating the rational conditions for the use of these complexes in comparison with the base variant – excavatorautomobile complex. This article describes accounting of the time factor in the analysis of exploitation options for complexes of cyclical and cyclic-and-соntinuous technology (CCT) for open cast mining of solid minerals deposits. Author considers the excavator-automobile complex EAC) as a complex of cyclical technology. Accounting for the time factor takes place during the calculation of the exploitation cost of CCT and EAC complexes. The study substantiates optimization period and reduction factors (discount rate) of capital and operating costs. The reduction coefficient of capital costs takes into account the rise of equipment price over time, which is mainly due to the inflationary processes. In calculations, this ratio is equal to 1.06. The peculiarities of exploitation of various equipment stipulate the reduction coefficient of operating costs. Based on the operating experience of mining transportation equipment for quarries, reduction coefficient for dump trucks with carrying capacity of 45 and 80 tons in calculations is 1.2 and 1.15, respectively, and for crushing, conveyor and excavating equipment it is 1.06. By graphic dependences of the cost changes on the example of complexes usage in the development of bedrock overburden author established that at the same tendencies of relative unit costs change for the current year and for the discounted, the latter substantially increase. The intensity of increase of the relative discounted costs of CCT complexes is lower than costs of EAC complexes. For the CCT complexes, discounted costs in considered conditions increase by 1.5–1.7 times, and for the EAC complexes – by 1.7–2 times. The research results can later be used in the justification of preferred terms of use of the CCT complexes, and are also useful for employees of mining enterprises, scientific-research and design organizations.

Keywords: excavator-automobile complex; cyclic-and-соntinuous technology complex; time factor; costs reduction (discounting).



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